Come to the Table - World Communion Sunday (10.2.2011)

This morning was World Communion Sunday, celebrating Communion among our Christian brothers and sisters around the world.  We are including the order of service for those who would like to share in the breaking of the bread and lifting of the cup.





COMMUNION MEDITATION                            Rev. Carlson

“Come to the Table”

PRAYER OF CONFESSION                              Congregation

As we draw near to God and prepare to receive the bread of heaven and the cup of Joy, let us make our prayer of confession to the Lord.

One:           Loving God, You are our creator and maker.  You watch over us.  Forgive us, God, those times we have failed to acknowledge You;

Many:       Those times we have ignored You or thought that we were alone and acted as if we could do all things by ourselves.

One:           Loving God, you give us families of flesh and blood and unite us through Christ with a family of the Spirit.

Many:       Forgive us for the times we have failed to love our family, rejected those who come to us and closed our eyes and ears to the troubles of others.

One:           Loving God, You call us to love one another as You love us.

Many:       Forgive us for the times we fail to open our lives to You, to one another.

One:           Heal our broken hearts, unite our broken families and mend our broken world.

Many:       Lord, hear our prayer.  Touch us and make us whole. Amen.

PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS............................ Rev. Carlson

*HYMN........................... #524 “Let Us Break Bread Together”


One:           Through this bread, God, may we connect more closely with You and with our neighbors near and far.

Many:       Lord, hear our prayer.

One:           May the fruit of the vine remind us of the interconnectedness of people around the world.

Many:       Lord, hear our prayer.

One:           May this simple meal bring us into union with You, Your people and Your world, united in the One Body of Christ.

Many:       Lord, hear our prayer.

WORDS OF INSTITUTION................................ Rev. Carlson


You are invited to come to the altar table and receive communion by means of intinction, breaking off a piece of bread, dipping it in the cup then taking and eating. 

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING.......................... Rev. Carlson


*HYMN........ #497 “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” – verse 1 only


BENEDICTION & BLESSING                            Rev. Carlson


POSTLUDE.............................................................. Dan Tryon