Sunday's Anthem - "We Come to Your Feast" (7.10.2011)

A beautiful anthem this morning by the Chapel Trio... "We Come to Your Feast"

We Come to Your Feast
by Michael Joncas

We place upon Your table a humble loaf of bread
The gift of field and hillside, the grain by which we're fed
We come to taste the presence of Him on whom we feed,
To strengthen and connect us, to challenge and correct us, To love in word and deed.

We come to Your feast
We come to Your feast
The young and the old, the frightened, the bold,
The greatest and the least.
We come to Your feast
We come to Your feast
With the fruit of our lands and the work of our hands,
We come to Your feast.

We place upon Your table, a simple cup of wine
The fruit of human labor, the gift of sun and vine
We come to taste the presence of Him we claim as Lord,
His dying and His living, His leading and His giving, His love in cup out poured.