Today's Music (12.4.2011) - Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord; It is Well with My Soul; A Time for Peace & Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day

This was a day when the power and presence of the Holy Spirit -- the Comforter -- was greatly felt within our congregation and much of that was the result of the incredible music experiences.

Our unusual initial call to worship was the choir singing "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" from Godspell.  The congregation joined in, with gusto!

The second congregational hymn, It is Well with My Soul, is a favorite and this congregation takes it truly to heart.  The last verse, sung by everyone acapella, was one more instance of the Holy Spirit moving through our hearts and this place.

We were treated to a special full-choir offertory this morning -- A Time for Peace.  

This morning's anthem was clearly the capstone of a musically enriching worship service.