Yesterday, Today & Forever - 8.29.2010

We invite you to join us in the adventure of prayer journals - mentioned toward the end of this sermon.   Grab a journal, a notebook or a pad of paper and spend a month in focused and directed (and conversational) prayer.

If you'd like to participate with us in the blog where we'll share our thoughts on the process of prayer journals, log into

Grace & peace to you all! 

Communion Service & Benediction / Blessing 8.15.2010

We are blessed by those of you who worship with us through this internet ministry.  While we would love to have you in our services every Sunday, we know that for many, it is a distance that simply doesn't lend itself to worshiping together, in person.  We do appreciate your faithful participation through these podcasts.

Today, we celebrated communion -- a very special time for our church family.  We invite you to participate through this means by getting a bite a bread and a cup of wine or juice and sharing communion with us.  

The Benediction we shared, is:
Your beloved Son came as a servant to wash away our pride and feed us with the bread of life.  We thank You for inviting us to feast with Him who died for us, and who calls us to serve each other in love.  Amen.

 Only miles separate us -- not hearts and not the love of God, through Christ.  May you  be blessed in the coming week.  

Grace & Peace - Rev. Dawn